Photovoltaic systems are a method of producing electric energy by converting solar radiation into electricity using semiconductors. The materials used today include truly ‘exotic’ metal alloys, while due to the increasing demand on renewable sources of energy, the construction of solar cells has advanced greatly in the past years. Photovoltaics produce electric energy in more than 100 countries around the globe and constitute the fastest growing technology at the energy industry. Their cost is greatly reduced – in relation to the first photovoltaic elements – and thus there are many economic incentives to start your own installation. You can find photovoltaic technology in a variety of devices nowadays, from mobile phones, to satellite systems, roads etc. One of the most important advantages of installing photovoltaic systems is the zero cost of raw materials (the Sun), the zero emission of pollutants, as well as the high productivity, while one of their disadvantages is the high cost of purchase and installation. Additionally, the fact that no energy can be produced at night is a serious disadvantage, and a supplementary energy source is thus needed. Through our know-how and our specialized collaborators, we can compile a complete economic-technical study, which includes special issues such as the installation’s placement spot, the on-going programmes of economic aid, the amortization in a preferred horizon, etc.
OFFICE: tel. 0030 23940 26 001, Serafim Tsakmani 10, Lagkadas Greece
WAREHOUSE: tel. 0030 23940 24 524, Chrisavgi Lagkadas Greece, Zip Code 57200, PO BOX 1102
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